The new biodiversity and land clearing regime commenced on 25 August 2017, despite serious concerns about increased land clearing and weakened biodiversity offset standards.

We will continue to provide feedback on aspects of the new regime and to work with communities concerned about the new laws. We are updating our fact sheets to reflect these changes and running community education workshops. 

October 2019 – Submission on changes to Biodiversity Assessment Method

July 2019: Legal updates on Implementation of the NSW land clearing laws

Part 1: The missing pieces

Part 2: Clearing in urban areas and E zones

Part 3: Compliance and enforcement

May 2018: The political endorsement of extinction

December 2017EDO NSW submission on Draft Biodiversity Conservation Investment Strategy 2017-2037.

November 2017 caseNature Conservation Council vs Minister for Primary Industries and Another

June 2017 Draft regulations and instruments

EDO NSW made submissions on each of the 13 consultation documents. You can download all submissions combined, including an executive summary.

Seminar: video from a community seminar held in Sydney, 1 June 2017. 

Biodiversity and land clearing laws passed in November 2016