Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the Climate Change Authority’s Issues Paper: Setting, tracking and achieving Australia’s emissions reduction targets.

EDO’s work, and this submission, are informed by climate science, human rights, and an environmental justice framework. For too long, these principles have been missing from climate policy debates in Australia. We are now in the critical decade for ensuring a safe climate, and Australia has catching up to do in terms of our emissions targets, accounting, and domestic action. Urgency, ambition, and equity are crucial.

EDO supports the Climate Change Authority’s plan for climate policy evolution, with the intention to ‘review, ratchet, and repeat.’ While acknowledging there has been progress made by this federal government in addressing climate change, EDO notes there are still concerning gaps in Australia’s response. This submission is intended to inform the Authority’s advice relating to some of these gaps, and EDO urges the Authority to take an evidence driven and integrated approach.