Mining and Coal Seam Gas in NSW
This factsheet focuses explains how mining and coal seam gas (CSG) projects are assessed and approved. It will be useful for people who want to know their rights in relation to mining and CSG and associated development, the processes involved, and the opportunities for input. It will also be useful for people whose property is subject to an exploration or mining/production title, or who are looking for information about impending or current mining and CSG activities.
Key takeaways
Explains how mining and coal seam gas (CSG) projects are assessed and approved in New South Wales
Discusses relevant protections for the environment and landholders
Explains the process for negotiating an access arrangement
Key actions
Read the EDO Factsheet on How to have your say in land use planning in NSW
Read the EDO factsheet on How to have your say in developments across NSW
Visit: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s page on Mining and Resources
Visit: The Regional NSW page on Mining, Exploration and Geoscience