Appeals for Woodside’s North West Shelf Project Extension Proposal have now closed.
Woodside’s NWS Extension, which will produce harmful fossil gas until 2070, has been recommended for approval.
You can take action and file an urgent appeal by 21 July.

Woodside’s 2070
climate disaster
The North West Shelf is one of Australia’s most polluting gas projects. It was due to be shut down this decade but Woodside want to extend the project and continue producing harmful fossil gas for another 50 years.
Alarmingly, the Western Australian EPA has recommended Woodside’s plan be approved, against the scientific consensus on climate change.
Burning fossil gas until 2070 is not compatible with a safe climate. You have a narrow window of opportunity to say no to Woodside’s dangerous gas extension.

Have your say on Woodside’s dangerous gas project.
The climate science is clear: there can be no new gas developments if we are to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees and avoid catastrophic climate change.
Burning fossil gas until 2070 is not compatible with a safe climate. The EPA’s recommendation undermines Australia’s efforts act on climate change and rapidly cut our emissions in line with the Paris Agreement.
Any person who disagrees with the EPA report has a right to lodge an appeal, which then creates a legal obligation for decision-makers to hear your concerns.
You can follow the steps in our submission guide to take meaningful action against Woodside’s project.

Gas is a fossil fuel
The main component of gas, methane, is more than 25 times more potent than CO2 in trapping heat in the atmosphere over a 100 year period, and over 82.5 times over a 20 year period (applicable for achieving emissions targets by 2050), therefore, it is a direct contributor to ongoing climate change which increases the frequency of floods, bushfires and droughts.

Science says no new gas
The global scientific consensus says there can be no new coal, oil or gas projects if we are to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees in line with the goal of the Paris Agreement. If the EPA’s recommendation was aligned with the science, it would have recommended refusal of this proposal given its significant climate impacts.

Woodside’s harmful plans
Not only is the NWS extension one of the most climate-polluting projects currently proposed in Australia. Woodside want to use it to develop an even more dangerous project, the Browse Basin gas field.