Gifts in wills
The law is often the last line of defence in the protection of our shared climate and natural environment. The Environmental Defenders Office is the most impactful environmental legal services organisation in the Australia Pacific and leaving a gift in your will is one of the most effective ways you can ensure our vital work continues into the future.

Six steps to preparing
your will

Choose an executor
The person or people you nominate in your will to administer your estate are called executors. They might be friends, family members, professional advisors or even your bank.
Sometimes it is difficult to identify someone suitable to act as executor. In this case, and if you are intending on leaving your entire estate to EDO, the CEO of the Environmental Defenders Office is able to act as executor.
Prepare a valid will
If you don’t usually pay for financial or legal advice, it can be easy to assume that a lowcost will-kit or DIY online will is the best value option, but making a will through a solicitor need not be expensive.
As a legal services organisation we recommend against using online will-kits and advise contacting a reputable and qualified practitioner to draft your will, especially if you have a large and/or complex estate, have been divorced and/or remarried, have property abroad, or own a business.
Updating an existing will
It is important to keep your will up to date. Circumstances that might give cause to updating a will include having children, marriage or divorce, purchasing a property, or the death of a family member.
If you have a valid and current will which reflects your marital status, financial circumstances and intended gifts, you can speak to your solicitor for advice on how to amend your will to include a gift to the Environmental Defenders Office at any time.
Discuss your decisions
When you have finalised your will, talking with family and friends about your wishes will help to ensure they are carried out.
Keep your will secure
Once your will has been signed and witnessed, keep the original in pristine condition somewhere safe. If you prepare your will with a solicitor they will generally keep the original for you in safe custody. It is important that you let your executor know where your original will is kept and it’s helpful to provide them with a copy.
Let us know if you’re leaving EDO a gift in your will
Bequests are very important to EDO and are so gratefully received. Please let us know if you decide to leave a gift in your will so that we have the opportunity to thank you. You can advise us by filling out our confidential form.
Go to formWhat wording should
I use in my Will?
“I give and bequeath to Environmental Defenders Office Ltd, ABN 72 002 880 864
1. all of my residuary estate Or
2. _________% of my residuary estate Or
3. the sum of $_________
to be used for the general purposes of the organisation, free of all duties and taxes including, if any, Capital Gains Tax (CGT), and declare that the receipt from the CEO or other authorised officer will be sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.”
Contact our
Bequest Specialist

What wording should I use in my Will?
“I give and bequeath to Environmental Defenders Office Ltd, ABN 72 002 880 864
1. all of my residuary estate Or
2. _________% of my residuary estate Or
3. the sum of $_________
to be used for the general purposes of the organisation, free of all duties and taxes including, if any, Capital Gains Tax (CGT), and declare that the receipt from the CEO or other authorised officer will be sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.”
Do I need legal advice?
To ensure that it is legally valid, properly reflects your intentions and is suitable for your circumstances, we recommend contacting a solicitor who specialises in wills and estates.
Types of gifts to consider
A Residuary Gift is often the best option if you have family to provide for, as it ensures your relatives and friends are looked after first. A residuary gift is the balance of your estate after these commitments have been made.
A percentage gift is often the best option if you have family to provide for, as it ensures your relatives and friends are looked after as well as making a much appreciated gift to the Environmental Defenders Office. Leaving a percentage of your estate ensures that inflation will not reduce the value of the gifts over time.
Specific gifts can be a gift of a fixed sum of money or a specific asset including shares or property Whole Estate This comprises all of your remaining estate after all of your debts and liabilities have been paid. It is usually left by those without preferred beneficiaries, or people who wish to make a significant financial impact.
Trusts and Private Ancillary Funds If you have a Trust or Private Ancillary Fund (PAF), you might consider an annual donation to EDO or making EDO an ongoing beneficiary, resulting in a wonderfully sustainable gift to EDO each year.
How will my gift be used?
Having flexible funds is essential for us to be able to focus our work where the need is greatest. Leaving a bequest for EDO’s general use enables us to tackle the most urgent environmental challenges of our time.