The Galilee Coal Project case – like all the work we’re doing for clients across the country – is about the kind of world we want to leave for the young people of today and future generations.

Children living in Australia today face a future devastated by the increasing impacts of global warming such as drought, severe cyclones, coral bleaching and deadly bushfires.

The effects of climate change are already upon us, and every new coal mine makes our global climate emergency worse.

This case is the result of thousands of hours of legal and scientific preparation, and builds on EDO’s groundbreaking work in the courts to recognise and mitigate the impacts of Australian fossil fuel projects.

Your donations to our Environmental Defence Fund support legal cases like this, on behalf of brave clients across the country, and ensure we have the best legal minds fighting the climate and extinction crises facing the world and its peoples.

People like you drive the fight for environmental justice, and right now you have the opportunity to double the impact of your donations.

A generous donor, dedicated to environmental justice, has offered to match all gifts to our Environmental Defence Fund so that we can build our legal team.

It appears that your monthly gift is no longer arriving in our Environmental Defence Fund, but there is a silver lining – if you renew your Friends of the EDO monthly donation today, every gift you make will be matched until December 2020!

If you can help us raise the full $250,000 by increasing your monthly gift or making a one-off tax-deductible donation, it will be turned into half a million dollars to drive the essential legal fight to protect the plants, animals, places and people we love, now, and into the future.

Renew your monthly gift or make a one-off donation using the form on this page, or donate by Paypal by clicking ‘Donate by Paypal’.

How much you give is entirely up you – you know it will have double the impact.

If you are giving to commemorate a special person, place or community, please email us and let us know, so we can properly acknowledge your gift.

Thank you.


Leave a Gift in your Will

Your gift will help to protect Australia’s environment for future generations. Celebrate the legacy of some remarkable Australians.


Invest With A Major Gift

Your philanthropy can help us realise our vision of empowered communities and an environment protected through law.

Surfing with dolphins

Pro and low bono support

Join Australia’s leading barristers, law firms and legal organisations who provide us with expert legal advice and assistance, in-kind support and sponsorship of events.

Become a Friend of the EDO

Make a monthly gift to help give Australian communities and conservationists access to justice and protect our precious unique species.

Give through your workplace

Sign up to make a regular gift through your workplace’s payroll system and receive an immediate tax-deduction. Find out how to make EDO your charity of choice at work.

Team EDO City to Surf

Raise Funds for EDO

From bush-dancers, runners and artists, to eco-conscious retailers or local community groups, people across Australia are raising funds for our work.