Winchester South will worsen global overheating and hurt our wildlife

Our clients argue that approving a 28-year coal mine when global climate scientists call for deep, rapid and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions would be reckless and inappropriate.

These additional climate emissions put people’s lives at risk and threaten our already fragile climate and environment.   

Our wildlife is too precious to kill for coal

The Winchester coal mine in Queensland’s Brigalow Belt will fuel habitat loss and could be an absolute disaster for threatened species including koalas, quolls, and greater gliders.  

Whitehaven Coal plans to destroy at least 2,000 hectares of wildlife habitat to build its coal mine.  

This includes destroying 169 hectares of koala habitat and more than 130 hectares of greater glider habitat, pushing these much-loved Aussie icons closer to extinction.      

Help supercharge the legal defence of our climate and wildlife

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Winchester South will drain precious groundwater, forever

The coal mine would dump polluted dam water into the Isaac River and could drain 280 million litres of precious groundwater every year. What’s more, Whitehaven Coal has no plan to backfill two massive mine pits. These toxic voids will drain Queensland’s groundwater long after Whitehaven Coal has abandoned the site.   

Support the legal fight for our climate, communities, wildlife and environment

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Together, we can use the law to protect our wildlife and make sure our community’s voice is heard in court.

By donating to EDO, you will supercharge the legal defence of our climate, communities and wildlife.

Legal action is one of the most effective tools for challenging environmentally destructive projects like this one.  

We have the expertise to help clients hold governments and the mining industry to account using the law, but we need the support of passionate people like you to bring matters before the courts. 

Your donation can help our brave clients seek justice and make sure the community’s voice is heard.