My name is Josette Wunder. I’m a Sydneysider who has been donating every year to EDO since 2009. I believe using the law to protect our forests, climate, and communities works. EDO’s impressive outcomes in helping to protect Australia’s unique environment and improving and changing environmental laws are proof of this.

As a child, I discovered the wonders of nature during a trip to Kosciusko National Park. This experience sparked my passion to protect and conserve Australia’s unique environment. Now, with the Royal National Park on my doorstep, I still enjoy nature, and my awareness of its value and beauty is regularly refreshed during my bushwalks. It’s my place of renewal.

For me, there’s never been a more critical time to stand up for our precious natural places. Hence, EDO is a perfect fit for me. If we don’t look after nature, future generations will likely experience much hardship. (I think we are already beginning to.)

So, given my drive to safeguard the future for generations and the uncertainty of how much will be achieved in my lifetime, I am leaving a bequest to EDO. I know I won’t be here forever, and EDO will likely need to continue its essential work.

I’m also very aware of the impact of decisions made now. For example, approving the new coal mine proposed for Queensland’s Bowen Basin will have lasting impacts on our wildlife, climate, and communities.  I’m relieved that EDO is representing the community in court to attempt to stop this enormous new coal mine. I believe that using the law to help communities fight such projects is vitally important. Without EDO, who will represent people like us? Through the law, we have a better chance. That’s what’s going to make a difference.

I’m committed to conserving our environment in whichever way I can. For people like me who care deeply about protecting our climate and precious wildlife but who are time-poor, donating is a way to make an impact.

My money helps further the cause. It’s great to know there are other people like you who I also imagine care as much as I do. Having worked for a non-government organisation in my career as an aid worker, I understand that every donation, however big or small, can have a positive impact.

If you’ve not donated yet, I’d love for you to join me in supporting the legal defence of nature and communities. I want to express my joy and gratitude for being able to donate to what I believe in. I love being able to make a difference.

I recognise it can be difficult for an NGO to raise money during a cost-of-living crisis. Know that every little bit counts and makes a difference. Know also that you are supporting an organisation that has a vital role in encouraging society to manage its natural resources wisely and safeguard our environment for future generations.

Supporters like you and me help farmers, Traditional Owners, and community-minded Australians protect our environment. Thank you for standing up for them, and thank you to those in the EDO community for your dedication. 

You can contribute by making a gift today here.